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2003-12-15 - 4:58 p.m.

The mother: Jennifer Kennedy Ostwald. She's the enforcer, but kind and loving. She's Irish, as you can tell by her pretty red curls and temper. She only wants the best for everyone over herself. She's a clothing designer (visit her link through this diary), and is currently re-attending college in the study of dietetics. Her artistic skills are unsurpassed.

The sister: Amanda. She watches way too many movies, and hopes to be involved with their creation in the future (namely: acting). She loves English courses and Dramatics, playing and listening to music, and drawing. She's tall and has auburn hair that curls.

The brother: Ben. He plays video games and wants to become an actor/lawyer/paleontologist. He enjoys science and math, and has a vast, unfathomable amount of knowledge of the dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts. He also does a mean Gollum impression.

[ Calvin and Hobbes ]